Tiger Traffic Services Ltd.

Traffic Control Services, Traffic Management Services and Traffic Management Company

Traffic Management Plans

Tiger Traffic Services Ltd. specializes in traffic management planning. We conceptualize, develop, and draft traffic plans for organized events, road works, and other special circumstances. With our streamlined approach, we'll help you get the permits you need to make your event a smooth, stress-free situation.

To find out more about our traffic planning services, or to schedule a consultation, call us at (604) 440-6228 today.


Safe, Dependable, and Professional Traffic Control Plans

Our traffic plans are designed to maximize efficiency and minimize safety hazards. They're concise and easy to understand, providing a straightforward blueprint for a safe and accident-free event.

Over the years, we've become well-versed in planning for a wide variety of events and occasions. Our planning services are ideal for:

  • Public Fairs
  • Commemorative Events
  • Parades
  • Fundraisers
  • Races
  • Festivals
  • ...and more!

Whatever type of event you're planning, you can count on us to prepare a top-quality traffic plan for it.

We're also known to volunteer our services for local charity events, including school fundraisers. To see what we can do for you, contact us today.

About Traffic Control Permits and Plans

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) requires a traffic management plan before a Traffic Control Permit can be granted. Many municipalities and regions also have their own requirements and permit application processes.

At Tiger Traffic Services Ltd., we can help you develop an up-to-code traffic plan so that you can obtain the necessary permits for your event. Our planning services are in full compliance with MoTI rules and regulations.

Get Government Approval for Your Event

Our traffic management plans can help you obtain a permit for your event. We'll ensure that our plan meets local and provincial regulation so that you can get the necessary permits. All it takes is a phone call to our offices. You give us the details for your event, and we'll get started drafting the plan for it.

Road Works Traffic Management Plans

Efficient Planning for Safer Roads

We provide effective plans for road works and public construction projects. Our meticulous planning process ensures that your project will remain a safe zone for work. We'll iron out the kinks, prevent bottlenecks, and take every precaution to secure the area. We'll do what we do best so that you can do what you do best.

Your safety is our priority. Contact us today.

Local Traffic Management Plans You Can Trust

Road traffic demands creative solutions and smart planning. At Tiger Traffic Services Ltd., we alleviate the challenge of congestion and give our customers safe and effective traffic plans. Efficiency is the key to safe planning, and it's the hallmark of our services.

When your event requires a traffic management plan and a Traffic Control Permit, then look no further than our services. We're here to help you put the planning in place so that you can enjoy a safe and stress-free event.

Want to find out more about our services? Our representatives will be happy to answer any questions, schedule a consultation, or give you a free quote for the job. Contact us today.

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